Release 2.42: Automatic Updates and Change Logging

Greetings! This release is all about automation and transparency. We’ve added features to make managing your funds easier: automatic balance updates, change logging, and improved reserve display. Read more about each update below!
Coming Soon to BitHide: Funds Exchange Plugin!
We are working on a plugin enabling funds to be exchanged directly within the BitHide interface. This new tool will allow you to quickly and conveniently exchange cryptocurrencies without leaving the platform.
Stay tuned for our releases early next year to learn all the details. We’re committed to making BitHide even easier and more convenient for you!
Change Logging Added
The Administrator can now generate and download a report containing all changes to settings and entities in BitHide. For example, "User John changed wallet SmithWallet: PublicWithdrawalAllowed: False => True." Select the desired period (today, the last 3 days, or a week) and receive a complete change log. The report is generated in the background, allowing you to continue working while the file is prepared for download in Excel format.

Dust Transaction Notifications Removed
We’ve stopped sending callbacks for dust transactions (tiny amounts like 0.000001 TRX) to keep your system from irrelevant data. This means you won’t see dust transactions on your integrated platforms anymore. Only essential and meaningful transactions are logged: clean, convenient, and distraction-free.
Automatic Billing Balance Updates
Your billing balance is now updated automatically, so you no longer need to visit other pages to see the latest data.
Information is updated automatically every 5 minutes. If you start bulk payments or fund deposits, the balance will be updated on the current page without any extra steps.
Automated Synchronization for Addresses with Incorrect Balances
The same error during a withdrawal due to a balance mismatch will no longer occur repeatedly. If BitHide detects a discrepancy between the balance in the system and on the node, the address is automatically queued for synchronization.
You don’t need to start the synchronization manually; the system will update the data, and you can retry the withdrawal with the correct balance.
Updated Balance Display in Portfolio
Portfolio balances now reflect reserved funds. If part of your funds has already been reserved for withdrawal, you'll immediately see the available balance.
For example, if your wallet contains 25,000 USDT, but 10,000 is reserved, the Portfolio will display the available 15,000. When you open the withdrawal window, the balance will match the Portfolio perfectly. Everything is clear and logical!
Thank you for being with us! BitHide gets better with every release, thanks to you. We appreciate your trust and will continue to work on making the app meet all your expectations. Expect new improvements and features very soon!