BitHide product features
Since BitHide guarantees the anonymity of your transactions, this software requires on-server installation. With our detailed guidance, your tech specialist can setup the system in less than one working day.

Upon installation, you can connect as many merchants as you need and manage your multiple-source transactions in one wallet. This is highly convenient for businesses operating a variety of merchants worldwide because it allows to have all the pivot reports in one place and analyze them with ease.

Two features guarantee the complete anonymity of transactions transferred through the BitHide BTC payment gateway. First, all the data is stored on your servers with no third-party access. With BitHide, your transactions are not subject to KYC and AML because you are the only owner of this data, and thus, only you are responsible for its monitoring. Second, with the Dark Wing technology allowing for 2-stage data protection, VPN and TOR, no third party can detect your wallet's real address, so there is no need for transaction data disclosure.

Auto-withdrawal functionality has a variety of settings. For example, BitHide allows to withdraw funds every time a new transaction is made, upon some budget is collected, or even to postpone the withdrawal until a specific time when the blockchain commission is lower. Moreover, it is possible to diversify withdrawals by merchants connected or even by the level of cryptocurrency riskiness.

BitHide allows for withdrawing your funds on request by using API. This considerably simplifies the withdrawal process and allows for scheduling it in accordance with the pre-set rules.

Besides the standard reporting functionality, BitHide features a balance report, which allows running a report for a custom period. This considerably simplifies the work of accountants who need to prepare balance reports by periods and merchants.

If you have a few BitHide users whose rights must be distinguished, BitHide easily separates such cases. Moreover, it allows to enable or disable every single user for a specific functionality.

BitHide allows for safe data backups, including your key and transaction data. This way, you can be assured your data and coins won't be lost in case of hardware failure.

Why business should accept Bitcoin
Every business must always improve itself to stay up to date and on the edge of technologies.Cryptocurrency is a new way to receive payments from your customers.
The most reasonable advantages of receiving BTC are:
- Low commissions compared with regular bank transfers;
- Attract new customers from all over the world;
- Possible lower fraud risk and chance of chargebacks, because transfers in crypto are irreversible;
How BitHide can help?
BitHide is an anonymous bitcoin payment system which not only helps you to receive payments and operate with your funds, but also keeping your wallet anonymous with our Dark Wing technology.

What is the best bitcoin payment gateway?
Cryptocurrency gateways are dynamic platforms allowing vendors securely accept payments in specific or multiple cryptocurrencies. This means the best BTC payment gateway safely accepts bitcoins in real-time mode and ensures full anonymity. BitHide completely meets these requirements.
How can I accept bitcoin payments?
If you'd like to diversify your transactions by adding a real-time anonymous channel, install the BitHide BTC payment gateway on your servers and start accepting bitcoin payments today. Just fill out the form to get your BitHide software and a complete installation guide.
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