Release Version 2.30: New Design Updates in BitHide

Design update
We have updated the BitHide interface to improve ease of use and improve intuitiveness when working with the application.
What's new:
1. Added an icon for the user.
Now the Administrator can download and install a unique picture for the user or generate one by user name

2. The design of the "Users" page has been updated.
Updated elements and data, added icons for users and statuses

3. User and Administrator profiles.
Updated elements and data, added icons for users and statuses

4. Menu.
Added user icon

5. Tab "Available Wallets".
Added coin icons

6. Tabs "User Devices" and "Login History".
New table headers and file upload options

7. The design of modal windows has been updated.

8. Updated icons.

Accelerated validation of mass payouts and transaction replays
We are pleased to present you an update that will make the process of mass payouts and repeat transactions more efficient and faster!
Now the validation speed has been significantly increased. This means you can complete transactions faster, saving you time and increasing your overall efficiency when using BitHide.
Fixed rounding of the amount available for withdrawal in the manual withdrawal window
The rounding of the amount has been corrected.
Now you can easily withdraw amounts corresponding to the "Max" value without any problems.