Release 2.23: Added New User Management Options

Added new user management options
We've improved the Users page to make it more user-friendly and functional. Now the administrator can see not only the username and email address, but also available wallets, device fingerprint, last login date and online status (online/offline).
Additionally, we have added new features to the user profile page:
1. Display the status on the network.
2. Deny/allow entry.
3. Reset registration data, 2FA and device fingerprints.
4. Display of available wallets.
5. Display of user devices (with the ability to authorize or delete).
6. View login history, which displays IP address, date, device fingerprint and login country.
Each user can view their profile, but cannot edit their data.

Added the ability to move transactions in the execution queue
If you have a large number of transactions in the list and you urgently need to send one or more of them, you can use the option to move the transaction to the front of the queue. Thus, it will be processed faster than others.

Added the ability to cancel transactions in a queue
With the new update, you can cancel transactions that have been created but not yet processed. If a transaction is in the queue and has not yet been executed, then you can cancel it.

Added notifications to telegrams about the balance of gas stations
Now you can receive notifications about the balance of gas stations directly in your Telegram channel.
To start receiving notifications, create a separate notification channel and paste its ID into the appropriate field in Settings.
Set up notifications to receive information when the balance falls below a specified critical level, which can be configured on the Gas stations page.
You will also receive notifications when there is no gas at the gas station.

Added useful functionality in the mass withdrawals section
Now, before sending transactions, Bithide calculates the cost of the commission for each transaction and compares it with the balances of your gas stations. If there is not enough gas, you will receive a warning.
To facilitate the process of replenishing gas stations, we have added the ability to download a list of gas stations, which includes addresses and recommended replenishment amounts. This will help you quickly replenish gas stations and continue sending mass outputs. We hope that this improvement will make working with BitHide easier and more convenient for you.

Optimized generation of Tron addresses
We are pleased to announce the optimization of the TRON address generation logic in the released update.
Thanks to improvements, the time required to generate addresses is now significantly reduced.
We continue to work on improving the performance of our wallet and will be happy to provide you with even more new features in the near future.
Thank you for using our product!