Release 1.5: Added Notifications to the Interface

Notifications have been added to the interface
We are pleased to present a new update to BitHide - the pop-up notification system!
Now the interface has notifications that will notify you about critical errors and important events in the system. Here are some of the main notifications:
1. Network Error: If there is a problem connecting to the server, you will be notified immediately. This will help you respond quickly and restore communication in a timely manner.
2. Creating transactions: When you complete a transaction, you will also receive notifications.
3. Creating and editing a Merchant: When you create or make changes to Merchant data, Bithide will notify you of the result.
4. Creating and editing Administrators: Now you will also receive notifications about all actions related to the creation or editing of administrator accounts.
5. Session end: BitHide will also notify you when your session ends.
Notifications help you keep abreast of all events and quickly respond to emerging problems or important events.